Supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance's (BJA) Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP), the COSSAP Digest is a biweekly compilation of COSSAP-developed publications, webinars, podcasts, and other information recently posted to the COSSAP Resource Center as well as upcoming events. Designed to equip the COSSAP community of practice with the latest tools to advance its ongoing fight against substance abuse, entries are also searchable on the media library. Invite your colleagues to receive COSSAP updates by sharing this link: https://cossapresources.org/subscription.

A special note: September is National Recovery Month. The COSSAP Collaborative stands with those in recovery as well as their families, friends, peers, and service providers and is proud to share new recovery-focused resources and join in this message of hope: Prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can—and do—recover.

COSSAP Harm Reduction Case Study Series:
This series was collaboratively developed by the Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) and the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR).
o Bernalillo County, New Mexico
o Kenosha County, Wisconsin
o Marion County, Indiana

Special in September to the COSSAP Resource Center: Celebrating National Recovery Month
September 1, 2020 – IIR
COSSAP Webinar: Rural Overdose Fatality Reviews
September 17, 2020 – IIR
This event was collaboratively supported by BJA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
COSSAP Webinar: Recovery Planning
September 23, 2020 – Altarum
COSSAP Webinar: Utilizing Data to Develop Innovative Data-Driven Strategies to Address the Opioid Epidemic
September 24, 2020 – Center for Health and Justice at TASC
New to the COSSAP Resource Center: Tools to support Overdose Fatality Reviews (including an online toolkit, learning modules, and resources)
September 24, 2020 – IIR
This resource is collaboratively supported by BJA and the CDC.

COSSAP Webinar: Addressing Misconceptions and Barriers to Medication-Assisted Treatment in Criminal Justice Settings October 14, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., ET Register at http://s.iir.com/cossap-webinar-oct-14-2020 AHP COSSAP Webinar: Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Programs in Jails October 15, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., ET Register at http://s.iir.com/cossap-webinar-oct-15-2020 RTI International COSSAP Funding Opportunity: Addressing Substance Use Disorders in America’s Jails: Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management Start the application process here. Learn more about this opportunity during the webinar on October 5, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., ET. Register at http://s.iir.com/WZy3zB5H Closing Date: October 28, 2020 AHP